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Growth. Responsibility. Opportunity.
Middle School: 6th - 8th

We believe middle school is a critical time where students are becoming young adults. We want to give them all the tools they need to be faith-filled, skilled, prepared and confident.


In middle school, critical thinking and problem solving skills are applied at an advanced level. Students are taught to bridge gaps, serve their communities, and communicate effectively as members of society. Students are immersed in a new world of opportunities where they can explore personal interests and talents in classes like Graphic Design, Business, Broadcast Journalism and Finance. Students are able to travel with the band, compete in art competitions, and play competitive sports. Students are guided into developing personal responsibility and accountability as they learn to juggle their workload and manage changing classes. Most of all, students receive the rigorous instruction needed to be ready for high school.


Recognizing that not all students learn in the same manner, we offer the Academic Achievement program for students who may need academic assistance. Several schools also offer Special Education Programs for students with diagnosed learning disabilities.​

Curriculum, Clubs & Activities

Including but not limited to:

Religion, Spanish, French, English, Latin, Math, Science, Broadcast Journalism, STEM, Social Studies, Robotics, Marketing, Finance, Computer Programming, Computer & Multimedia, Music, Choir, Musicals, Band, Art, Dance, Creative Writing, Business, Web Design, Graphic Design, Physical Education, Athletics, Chess Club, Student Council, Newspaper, Yearbook, Talent Show, Junior Achievement, Drama Club, Art Club, Washington D.C. Trip, Service Learning, Jazz Band and more...

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